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July 04, 2021 5 min read

Collagen is all the hype these days; every time you head over to the supermarket, you are bound to face walls and walls of collagen-based products promising smoother skin, increased muscle mass, or maybe thicker hair. You can find it in topical creams and powdered tubs, but what does it do?


With so much hype for a product, it doesn't mean that you should jump on the bandwagon without first finding out about it yourself. To understand why collagen-producing elements should be a crucial part of our diets, let's first take a look at what it is.


What is Collagen?

A naturally produced protein found in our bodies, Collagen is responsible for the elasticity of our skin and healthier and flexible joints. Taking up around three-quarters of the skin of a human body, it is present in our blood, muscles, and in our bones as well. This protein can be further broken down into proline, glycine, and hydroxyproline, all of which are essential for our body. Getting too intense? Well, let's look at it this way.


To make it easier to understand, the director of cosmetic and clinical research in dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital, Joshua Zeichner, called it the frame of the mattress, but for our bodies. It helps in giving structure and support to different parts, including the muscles and skin, etc.

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Why is Collagen important?

We're pretty sure no one out there wants to end up with wrinkly faces or creaky joints, and that is where Collagen comes into play. This protein doesn't just work wonders for the elasticity but is also responsible for making sure that we don't collapse like a puppet. Known for helping people with osteoarthritis pain, used for lip fillers and maintaining blood sugar levels, it covers many grounds. Other than this, it has antioxidant effects as well aiding in the dilemma of discoloration and can work as a remedy for improving sleep too.


To understand the importance, you should know that it is found in some of the major parts of our bodies. There are around 28 types of it found in our skin, nails, bones, joint cartilage, ligaments, muscle, tendons, and our hair as well!


With enough of it in your system, you can be guaranteed that these areas of your body will have a support system. On the other hand, lack of it can turn into quite a disaster. But how do you make sure that you never run out of it? Well, let's take a look at some of the major causes of loss of this protein.


What leads to the loss of Collagen?

Robert Rountree, a medicine practitioner, says that Collagen is what holds us together. Making up around 70% of the skin's protein and 30% of the body's protein, it is as important as our eyes and nose. You certainly wouldn't want to end up losing your nose as you age, right? Various factors contribute to a decline as we grow. Taking preventive measures against the following factors can reduce the pace at which we lose our precious protein.

1.    UV Damage

Exposure to the sun and UV rays is the prime reason why we end up with wrinkly skins as we age. Turns out, every time you expose yourself to the sun for an extended period, you are heightening your chances of losing whatever Collagen you have managed to save up. Getting sun protection is a quick and convenient way to make sure your precious protein stays where it needs to!

2.    Age

Sure, you can lather up all the sunscreen you like, but you can't run away from the clock of life. Age is another major factor in the loss of it. According to research, the levels start decreasing to around 1% per year by the time we get to our early 20s. This, however, is an inevitable challenge that can only be tackled through your diet unless you end up finding a time machine to take you to the past. 

3.    Lifestyle

Our bodies are gentle and need to be treated in the same manner. Consumption of tobacco, excessive stress, inflammatory diets all can lead to reduced levels. Hormones such as cortisol from stress can lead to a decrease in collagen levels, while genetics can play a part too. So, what we managed to establish until now is that yes, our bodies produce it, but a decrease is inevitable. However, there are various ways in which we can work on promoting healthy levels for your body.

What are the best sources of Collagen?                         

As it turns out, managing to sneak collagen-producing items into your routine is not going to be a difficult task. By consuming egg whites, mushrooms, cabbage, and other dairy items you can stock up on the proline. Through gelatin (jellies!), chicken, and pork skin, you can get your daily dose of glycine, and the rest of it can be tackled with food rich in copper, zinc, and Vitamin C, such as citrus fruits, chickpeas, lentils, nuts, and seeds, etc.

According to statistics, the global market size for Collagen exceeded USD 3.5 billion in 2019, so we wouldn't be wrong in saying that it has turned from a want into a need. The supplements can help boost production, which would lead to the management of wrinkles, increasing skin elasticity, higher hydration levels, improved hair, and scalp health, and does wonders for bones and nail growth and health.

Is there a convenient fix?

The best part about supplements is that you can choose your method of consumption. If swallowing pills is not something you're interested in, then topical versions would be perfect for you. However, do keep in mind that the topical application will work on a short-term basis, but through oral dietary supplements, you can bring in some real change.

Collagen foods

So, you see, the journey of producing, keeping it in, naturally losing, and then getting Collagen back can be quite adventurous and eventful. Maintaining a healthy diet can go a long way when it comes to promoting healthy levels. Be sure to take in your daily dose of vitamin C, protein, or some supplements here and there if you can't balance a healthy diet, and you're good to go! Now, wasn't that pretty easy?

Get your hands on STUBLYN Collagen Peptides, a Collagen booster food supplement to meet the Collagen needs of your body. Start observing the results of this miraculous formula from day-one. What are you waiting for?